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Showing posts with label tanimodern. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2021

Hazton planting technology

 Hazton planting technology

Hazton technology is currently booming among the Indonesian agricultural community, because the Hazton technology was initiated and has been implemented in various districts in West Kalimantan Province or other provinces / districts in Indonesia. The application of Hazton technology generally provides three times the usual increase in yields.

              Hazton technology is the brainchild of the son of West Kalimantan, namely Ir. Hazairin MS, who currently serves as Head of the Food Crops and Horticulture Department and Anton Kamaruddin, SP, M.Si as Head of the Food Crops and Fruits Section. Hazton technology can be interpreted as a way to plant rice using old seeds 25-35 days after sowing with a solid number of seeds, namely 20-30 seeds per planting hole.

              The early history of the creation of this technology originated from the low level of rice province in West Kalimantan which only reached 3.1 tonnes / ha and the national level was 5.4 tonnes / ha. Several studies were carried out, starting on January 13, 2012, namely planting 12 rice pots of Ciherang, Cisadane, Inpari 1 and Inpari varieties simultaneously and uniformly, then the research was temporarily halted due to the attack of rats.

The second research was carried out on September 13, 2012 using various numbers of seeds per planting hole, 1 seed per planting hole, 5 seeds per planting hole, 10 seeds per planting hole, 20 seeds per planting hole, and 30 seeds per planting hole, resulting in the hypothesis that seeds that are in the middle position and immunized with the number of seeds used are 20-30 seeds will produce panicles faster.
              The third research was carried out on March 17, 2013 using 12 rice varieties in 960 polybags with 1 seed and 20 seeds, resulting in a hypothesis that rice with 20 seeds produced panicles faster than rice with 1 seed per planting hole.
              The fourth research was conducted on March 22, 2013 by comparing rice growth with the number of 1 seed per planting hole and 20 seeds per planting hole with the seeds used were old seeds, namely seeds 27 days after sowing, it was proven that at the age of 82 days after planting, the seeds produced 52 productive tillers.

The latest research, by conducting a field test of the Hazton demonstration plot in the Kakap River, 0.75 hectares, yielded yields of 13.5 tonnes / ha, whereas before using Hazton technology it was only about 3-4 tonnes / ha.
              Farmers who apply Hazton Technology admit that there has been a significant increase in yields from before, including Hazton belonging to Sukiman Sambas in the 7th planting season producing 9 tonnes / ha with a land area of ​​4 hectares, Bank Indonesia Demonstration Plots 35 Ha
in Peniraman Village with a production of about 8-11.5 tonnes / ha, before using Hazton only 3-4 tonnes / ha, Hazton Poktan "Nekad Maju" Peniraman Village was 2nd winner of the National Bank Indonesia Rice Cluster produced 12 tonnes / ha.
              The application of Hazton Technology outside West Kalimantan Province by John Sinaga in the village of Simalungun, North Sumatra 18 ha produces 11.5 tonnes / ha. The first Hazton harvest in Nias produced 8.3 tonnes / ha and the second Hazton harvest 200 ha produced 10.7 tonnes / ha. Hazton in Klaten by Alif Susanto yields around 9 tonnes / ha, HAZTON BI Purwokerto in Patik Raja, Banyumas, Central Java produces 13.6 tonnes / ha before ± 4 tonnes / ha and many more areas have tried Hazton Technology and proved the results.
              The planting procedure or method will determine the yield of the crop. The Hazton Technology SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that must be applied to get maximum yields are:

LAND TREATMENT (3 Weeks Before Planting)
Application of Aerobic Decomposer on Manure and Straw in the field
Concentration     : 500 ml BEKA / tank and 250 kg of manure *)
Requirement / ha  : 4 liters of BEKA
Application Method : Evenly distribute the manure at the time of land cultivation. Spray evenly 4 liters of BEKA over the land that has been spread with manure and straw, then plow and diary.
BASIC FERTILIZATION (1-2 Days Before Planting)
Fertilizer dosage SP 36 : 100 kg / ha *)
Concentration           : 500 ml POMI / sprayer tank; 200 kg / ha BIOGREEN; 4 kg / ha Humic Acid 65%
Requirement / ha        : 4 liters of POMI (8 sprayer tanks); 200 kg BIOGREEN; 4 kg Humic Acid
Application Method      : Mix SP-36 fertilizer, humic acid, and BIOGREEN evenly, then spread it on the ground as a basic fertilizer. Spray 4 liters of POMI on the fertilized land. Try to keep the land conditions wet.



Early Immunization of Rice Against Kresek Disease
Concentration    : 1 tablet BACTOPLUS / 10kg of seed
Requirement / ha : 10 tablets BACTOPLUS
Application Method : 1 BACTOPLUS tablet dissolved in water used for soaking the seeds. Soak the seeds for 2-3 days. Need for seeds / ha: 100 kg.


Seed: 100 kg / Ha Make long beds at 100 - 120 cm and length according to your needs. The height of the bed is + 20 cm - 30 cm, to make it easier to remove the seeds, add manure or dry straw after it is covered with soil. Sow the seeds above the soil surface, do not sow the seeds too tightly, provide protection so that the nursery is protected from bird attack or other pests.
Number of seeds / planting holes: 20-30 seeds
Transplanting age: 30 HSS Spacing
Legowo 2: 1 (25 cmx 25 cm) X 40 cm
Legowo 4: 1 (30 cm x 30cm) X 40 cm
(Unplug the seeds must be button and do not wash)